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Holiday contact hours: You won't be able to call us from 5pm Friday 20th December until 9:30am Wednesday 8 January. You can still email during this time and we'll reply as soon as we can. Ngā mihi o te wā!


Work Connect ended 30 June 2022

Work Connect, a personalised programme to support new migrants successfully gain jobs in New Zealand, ended on 30 June 2022.

Pacific Work Connect

Pacific Work Connect is a free programme to help eligible migrants from the Pacific Islands get ready for work in New Zealand.

It’s available to eligible Pacific migrants anywhere in New Zealand.

Other career support services

Pacific Work Connect and Work Connect privacy

Find out how we collect and look after your information if you sign up to the Pacific Work Connect programme or signed up for the Work Connect programme before.

Find career advice

Finding and applying for a job in your industry in New Zealand
Writing a CV and cover letter that will impress New Zealand employers
Securing interviews and making a good impression with New Zealand employers
Finding information on what to expect in a New Zealand workplace