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Rangatahi Futures Year 10

Creative illustration of Māori waka

There are many tales of the great journey Māori took across the Pacific Ocean over 1000 years ago that led them here to the shores of Aotearoa New Zealand

Ngā mahi a ngā tūpuna
Careers of our ancestors

The Year 10 modules, Ngā mahi a ngā tūpuna, Careers of our ancestors, use cultural examples to explore how interests, values and aptitude influence career choices.

Rangatahi are encouraged to reflect on the waka journeys of their ancestors and how that relates to their own career journey.

These modules have been designed to be delivered as a three-hour programme, or seven consecutive 20-30 minute lessons.

Each lesson contains key messages aligned to the career management competencies for Years 9-10. These key messages are delivered through a range of activities, including group and class discussions, games, a video presentation, problem solving and short written exercises that finish with the completion of a career plan.


Updated 21 Nov 2019