Bachelor of Youth Development

Whitireia & WelTec

Subject area

Youth Work

Check out Fees Free to see whether you are eligible for a year of fees-free study or two years industry training. Contact your provider to confirm your study options meet the criteria.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements
University degree entry requirements or equivalent practical, professional or educational experience in an associated area of youth development or in the social service sector and evidence of suitability based on police vet, child safety check and interview
International: IELTS (Academic) 6.5, with no band score lower than 6, or equivalent
Police and child safety check
Applicants are required to undergo police vetting and meet the requirements of the Vulnerable Children's Regulations 2015 for a child safety check for entry into this programme. In the event of an adverse police vet for offences not covered by the Vulnerable Children's Regulations, entry into the programme will be at the discretion of the Head of School.
Applicants arrange an appropriate placement before commencing the programme.
Entry equipment/material requirements

About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

1. To develop competent youth practitioners who understand the body of knowledge that underpins youth development, are able to apply this knowledge to practice and who have the critical analysis, evidence based and problem solving skills that are required for independent, ethical practice. 2. To develop self awareness and reflective practitioner skills, critical thought, research and evaluation abilities, independent and self-directed study and to prepare students for postgraduate learning and practice. Preparing people to enter into the youth work profession requires training and education that develops competent practitioners able to fulfil youth development practice roles. The Bachelor of Youth Development programme is particularly aimed at meeting the needs of people currently working in the youth development field who need a degree level qualification to support their role.

What graduates earn

Graduates who studied Human Welfare Studies and Services at this level can earn:


Median earnings one year after study


Median earnings two years after study


Median earnings five years after study

Status one year after study

Employment rate two years after study


Employment rate two years after study

Data as at November 2022

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Free phone: 0800 944 847
Phone: 0800 944 847
Fax: (04) 237 3101

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.


NZQA supplies course information based on material from the provider.

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