Te Kahu Taute Whakaako (Micro-credential)

Te Whare Mairanga o Nga Kura a Iwi

Subject area

Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu (Māori Education)


Check out Fees Free to see whether you are eligible for a year of fees-free study or two years industry training. Contact your provider to confirm your study options meet the criteria.

Entry requirements

To enrol in this micro-credential, a potential uri must meet all enrolment requirements, including Te Whare Mairanga Terms and Conditions of Enrolment and any relevant conditions specified by the Ministry of Education, the Education and Training Act, 2020 and the Tertiary Education Commission. Uri must be.
* 16 years or older.
* A New Zealand citizen (which includes citizens of Cook Island, Niue and Tokelau).
* A New Zealand permanent resident currently living in New Zealand.
* An Australian citizen currently living in New Zealand.
* An Australian permanent resident who has a returning residents visa and is currently living in New Zealand.
* A learner with refugee status who is required to complete a programme to satisfy residency requirements.

About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

Ko tā te pūkenga-whāiti nei, he whakatakoto tūāpapa hei whakamārama i ngā āhuatanga whakaako, e hāngai pū ana ki ngā tau 0 ki te 13, e tāwharautia ana e Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa, e whakatinana ai i te whakakitenga 'He uri whai mana motuhake'. Mā ngā uri e whakamahi ngā mātāpono, e whaiwhakaaro atu ai ki Te Tihi o Angitu (ngā ikeiketanga o te angitu) i te tohu pūkenga-whāiti nei, e taunakihia ana e tētahi ara whakamana-uara mōna anō, mō ētahi atu, me te taiao ako anō hoki.

Mā ngā uri e whakahāngai ngā mōhiotanga, kia whakariterite ai i ngā wheako ako, e ārahi ana i te akomanga i runga i te ngākau matapopore me te mārama ki ngā tini matea ngaio i tētahi taiao ako Māori. Katoa ngā ihirangi me ngā akoranga i te pūkenga-whāiti nei e whāngaihia ana e te taiao motuhake nei o te kura, i whakapūmautia ai e Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa. Ka mārama ki ngā uri he aha ngā āhuatanga kōhure mō te kura, ā, ka whakahāngaitia ai ki ngā akoranga i te roanga o tāna whai i te pūkenga-whāiti.

Ko ngā uri heipū, he uri o āianei tonu kua whakaaetia kētia kia whakakī i ētahi o ngā mahi a te kaiako tūturu (limited authority to teach - LAT), he kaiāwhina rānei o āianei tonu, hei ā kō ake nei rānei i tētahi kura Māori. Ko ngā kāhui e rua nei, e whai tūranga kē ana, e hiahia ana rānei ki te whai tūranga ki Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa, ki ngā kura rānei o te rāngai Māori.

Ko te hunga e mahi ana, e hiahia ana rānei ki te mahi ki ētahi kura Māori kē atu, ko rātou hoki pea hei uri. Kāore pea tēnei tū Uri e whai tohu kaiako ana, heoi ko te takune ia, kia whāia hei ā kō ake nei. Ka matatau hoki rātou i te reo Māori ā-waha, ā-tuhi anō hoki nā te mea koinei te reo matua i ngā akoranga.

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Phone: (027) 227 7254
Email: watson@kuraaiwi.nz
Web: https://www.kuraaiwi.nz/

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.


NZQA supplies course information based on material from the provider.

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