Irrigation - Full Pipe Water Measurement Device Installation and Commission (Micro-credential)

Te Pukenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Subject area

Environmental Engineering


Check out Fees Free to see whether you are eligible for a year of fees-free study or two years industry training. Contact your provider to confirm your study options meet the criteria.

Entry requirements

It is expected that providers refer to the below when developing programme entry requirements:
* Ākonga/learners entering this micro-credential will be employed in the irrigation industry. The
provider may be able to assist with placement for those not already in employment within the
irrigation industry.
Literacy and numeracy
* Ākonga/learners require sufficient levels of literacy and numeracy to allow them to read and
understand workplace documents, complete necessary calculations and complete assessments
* Providers will support ākonga/learners during delivery to ensure they have the level of literacy and
numeracy required.

About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

The purpose of this micro-credential is to provide formal recognition and credentialisation of the skills and knowledge required to install and commission full pipe water measurement devices in an irrigation context, while operating safely and efficiently in Aotearoa New Zealand.
This micro-credential will be used by ākonga/learners new to the irrigation industry, or experienced members of the industry who wish to have their existing skills formally recognised.

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Free phone: 0800 86 22 84
Phone: 0800 86 22 84

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.


NZQA supplies course information based on material from the provider.

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