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Te Tohu Paetahi Ako Manukura ā Iwi o Aotearoa

Te Wananga Takiura o Nga Kura Kaupapa Maori o Aotearoa Incorporated

Subject area

Teacher Education not elsewhere classified



3 Years

Total student fees


over 3 Years - details

Check out Fees Free to see whether you are eligible for a year of fees-free study or two years industry training. Contact your provider to confirm your study options meet the criteria.

About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

Ngā whāinga Pū

Ko ēnei whāinga a Te Wānanga Takiura, e hāngai pū ana ki te whakapono, ko te reo Māori anake e āhei ana ki te whakaoho i te whatumanawa, i te ngākau, i te wairua Māori o te tauira hai huarahi pūmau ki te whakaako ki te whakangungu i a ia, hai kaiako i roto i ngā kura Māori.
Te whakaako i te reo ki te hunga kāore i te mōhio ki te reo Māori, engari, e kaingākau nui ana ki te ako kia tūtuki ai te kī - He Māori ahau inaianei na tōku mōhio ki tōku reo me āna tikanga.
Ko te whainga nui ma ngā pouako o Te Wānanga Takiura, me kounga, me kairangi a rātau mahi. Me kaha tonu ki te hanga he Tohu Paetahi Ako Kura Māori.
Ko ngā taumata me oti i ngā pia, ko te 5, 6, 7, i roto i te toru tau, i raro i te maru o te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa ma te Matatū Aotearoa.
He tino hua kei roto i ngā marautanga hai whakaako ma tēnā, ma tēnā, o ngā pouako. Ma rātau e whāngai, e whakatō ēnei ki ngā ngākau o ngā pia hai tūāpapa, hai taituarā, hai whakawhirinakitanga atu mō rātau, i roto i te ao Māori, i te ao whānui, i te ao mātauranga hoki.
Kei tēnei Wānanga Takiura ōna ake mātauranga o te ao Māori, o te ao whānui hoki.
Kei ēnei pouako o rātau ake mōhiotanga.
Ko tēnei Wānanga Takiura ka āhei ki te kawe, ki te kauhau, ki te whakaako, ki te whakamana hoki i āna marautanga katoa ma te reo Māori anake.
Te whakatangatawhenua i te tuakiritanga o te tangata ki te ahurea tūturu o tōna iwi Māori, o Aotearoa, o tōna Ao Māori hoki.
Ko tēnei te tino kaupapa o Te Wānanga Takiura, he whakarumaki i te pia i roto i tōna ao Māori. He whakatakoto mahi hai kawe, hai whakaako, hai whakatiti, hai whakatō ki roto i te ngākau o te pia:
- tōna reo Māori
- āna tikanga Māori
- ngā mātauranga Māori o ngā kete o toru o te Wānanga.

Key Information for Students

Entry Requirements

Minimum requirements

The target group for this new qualification are kaimahi currently employed in kura under the requirements of a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) who wish to become registered and certified kaiako by gaining a formal teaching qualification. It was clear during the panel interviews that, based on the consultation log and discussions with the programme's industry advisory group, there is a very strong need and demand for this Maori Medium employment-based initial teacher education programme. A number of principals of Kura-a-Iwi also expressed their continued support for the programme. NZQA and Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand / Matatu Aotearoa (Teaching Council) have agreed arrangements for the joint approval and accreditation of ITE degree applications whose graduates are eligible to register with the Teaching Council. This application has been processed in conformity with these arrangements and on 15 December 2021 the Teaching Council approved this application; Teaching Council approval letter and report is attached to this report. The degree panel was held over Zoom.

Detailed requirements

See provider website for more details about entry to this qualification.


3 Years

Tuition Fees

Annual Total qualification
Student fees
(what you pay)
$7,680 $23,040
Government tuition subsidy
(what the government pays)
$10,763 $32,289
Total $18,443 $55,329

StudyLink website – information about student loans

A Compulsory Student Services Fee may be charged, see your provider for details.

Student Success


National Graduate Outcomes

Outcomes for students who completed qualifications at the same level and in the same subject area, three years after completion:

Median earnings N/A
Earnings range N/A
In employment N/A
In further study N/A
On a benefit N/A

All KIS information is the most recent data available and relates to domestic students only.

Click here for more information about the Key Information for Students

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Phone: (09) 625 6226
Fax: (09) 625 2744

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.

Where does this information come from?

The Key Information for Students data is compiled by the Tertiary Education Commission based on information provided by tertiary education providers and the Ministry of Education. Remember to check the provider’s website for further details.

NZQA supplies all other information based on material from the provider.

What to do if you find incorrect course information

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