New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care

Cavalli College Limited

Subject area

Nannying and Early Childhood Care


Check out Fees Free to see whether you are eligible for a year of fees-free study or two years industry training. Contact your provider to confirm your study options meet the criteria.

Entry requirements

This is the minimum qualification requirement for licensed home-based educators, and the person responsible in Playcentres.

Programmes leading to this qualification must reflect quality practice and maintain currency with amendments to, and replacements of, relevant legislation, regulations, Australia/New Zealand standards (AS/NZS), and security responsibilities including cyber safety (particularly related to young children).

- Current legislation and regulations can be accessed at

- Current AS/NZS standards can be accessed at

- Current regulatory framework and licensing criteria for ECE can be accessed from the Ministry of Education at

- Information on the Children's Act 2014, safety checking regulations and guidelines can be accessed from

Completion of a comprehensive First Aid course is recommended, as it may be a requirement for licensing for some types of ECE service e.g. home-based.

Relevant supporting resources:
- Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020-2030 available at
- Early Learning Action Plan (ELAP)
- Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo
- Kei Tua o te Pae - Assessment for learning - Early Childhood- available at
- Tapasā - Cultural competencies framework for teachers of Pacific learners- available at
- Tātaiako - Cultural competencies framework for teachers of Māori learners- available at
- Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI) - Te Whāriki online resources, which can be accessed at including He Māpuna te Tamaiti - supporting Social and Emotional Competence in Early Learning;
Talking together, Te kōrerorero
- Te Whare Tapa Whā - available at
- Te whatu pōkeka - available at
- Teaching Council Our Code Our Standards- available at
- The New Zealand Curriculum- available at

About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

The purpose of this qualification is to provide Aotearoa New Zealand with people who can provide practice-based education and care in a specific early childhood context. This is the minimum qualification requirement for licensed home-based educators, and further details can be accessed from the Ministry of Education at:

This qualification is intended for people who intend to work as early childhood educators, particularly in the home-based sector, or proceed to further study. Graduates will enhance family, whānau and community outcomes and will support mokopuna - infants, toddlers and young children.

Graduates will be able to operate independently and self-manage, taking some responsibility for the performance of others. The early childhood education (ECE) setting and associated regulatory framework and criteria will determine the level of supervision under which graduates will operate when employed. For example, home-based regular sole charge practitioners would be under general supervision, while parent-led session leaders would provide guidance and supervision of others.

What graduates earn

Graduates who studied Human Welfare Studies and Services at this level can earn:


Median earnings one year after study


Median earnings two years after study


Median earnings five years after study

Status one year after study

Employment rate two years after study


Employment rate two years after study

Data as at November 2022

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Phone: 021 395 901

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.


NZQA supplies course information based on material from the provider.

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