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Building Surveyor

Kairūri Whare

Alternative titles for this job

Building surveyors inspect plans and building constructions to see if buildings are, or will be, built correctly. They may also issue certificates, write reports and help owners and potential buyers with construction problems and solutions.


Building surveyors usually earn between

$61K-$112K per year

Source: Hays, 2023.

Job opportunities

Chances of getting a job as a building surveyor are good due to a shortage of workers.


Pay for building surveyors depends on their experience, where they work and the type of work they do.

Building surveyors can earn between $61,000 and $112,000 a year.

Income for self-employed building surveyors depends on the success of their business.

Source: Hays, 'Salary Guide FY 23/24', 2023.

(This information is a guide only. Find out more about the sources of our pay information)

What you will do

Building surveyors may do some or all of the following:

  • inspect plans and/or building constructions to see if buildings are, or will be, built correctly
  • check for problems such as presence of asbestos, methamphetamine (P), damp or mould
  • discuss building work and regulations with builders, architects, owners and property buyers
  • assess and report on problems or potential problems with the design, location or materials of buildings
  • advise on solutions for existing or potential problems with land or buildings
  • assess building conditions for property owners or potential owners, banks and insurance companies, and provide them with specialist reports
  • help resolve building disputes, or administer construction contracts.

Building control officers who work for councils may also:

  • process building consent applications
  • check that buildings comply with approved plans, and relevant laws and regulations such as the Building Act 2004
  • issue relevant notices or certificates, depending on whether the building meets requirements or not.

Skills and knowledge

Building surveyors need to have knowledge of:

  • the Building Act 2004 and regulations, the Building Code and other related laws, and how these apply to plans and buildings
  • building methods and materials, including those used in the past
  • how to interpret drawings and architectural plans
  • maths, for calculations such as insulation, stormwater or bracing requirements
  • health and safety guidelines, particularly when working on building sites
  • how to use online reporting tools and inspection tools such as moisture meters.

Working conditions

Building surveyors:

  • usually work regular business hours, but may need to work evenings or weekends
  • work in offices, on construction sites, and in buildings, including damaged buildings
  • work in conditions that may be dusty, dirty and hazardous, and may work at heights and in enclosed spaces
  • may have to travel to isolated sites.

Entry requirements

To become a building surveyor you need three to 10 years' relevant work experience, and/or a building-related diploma or degree.

If your role involves site inspections you need to have a driver's licence.

Secondary education

A minimum of four years of secondary education is recommended. Useful subjects include English, maths, physics, construction and mechanical technologies, and digital technologies.

Additional requirements for specialist roles:

To work in building control for a council

Building control processing for a council

This office-based work, checking plans and issuing building consents, usually requires:

  • at least three to four years' work experience in relevant work such as architecture or drafting
  • a relevant qualification such as a diploma or Bachelor's degree in architecture or architectural drafting.

Building control inspection for a council

This site-based work, checking construction, usually requires:

  • ten to 20 years' work experience in building
  • a relevant qualification such as a diploma or Bachelor's degree in fields such as building science, construction, architecture or engineering.

On-the-job qualifications for building control officers

Building control officers can study for the New Zealand Diploma in Building Surveying (Level 6) while they are working. 

Auckland Council's programme for graduates to become building inspectors

Auckland Council trains graduates in architecture, construction management or civil engineering to become building inspectors.

Personal requirements

Building surveyors need to be:

  • accurate, with an eye for detail
  • efficient and good at record-keeping
  • confident communicators with strong relationship and negotiation skills
  • able to translate building jargon into easily understood terms
  • responsible, with good judgement.

Useful experience

Useful experience for building surveyors includes:

  • hands-on work in construction such as carpentry or plumbing
  • work in quantity surveying, architecture or engineering.

Physical requirements

Building surveyors visiting construction sites need to be reasonably fit and healthy, as they need to climb to access roofs, and to crawl under buildings.


Building surveyors can apply to become accredited or registered through the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand, the New Zealand Institute of Building Inspectors, or the New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors.

Find out more about training

Building Officials Institute of New Zealand
(04) 473 6002 - BOINZ website
Capable New Zealand Otago Polytechnic
0800 433 109 - -
New Zealand Institute of Building Inspectors
(09) 435 4255 -
New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors
0800 113 400 - -
Te Pūkenga
0800 327 648 -
Check out related courses

What are the chances of getting a job?

Construction boom and building issues create demand for building surveyors

Demand for building surveyors is strong due to:

  • a construction boom that is predicted to last until 2021, meaning more building work will need to be assessed
  • the extra 22,000 houses that are needed over the next 10 years in Auckland
  • the need for assessment of buildings that are leaky, earthquake-prone or contain asbestos, and the rebuilds of such buildings
  • building work to repair earthquake damage in Wellington and Kaikoura
  • the Christchurch rebuild
  • an ageing workforce – many building inspectors and surveyors are approaching retirement and will need to be replaced.

Although the number of building surveyors is increasing, there is still a shortage of workers. As a result, building surveyor appears on Immigration New Zealand's regional and construction and infrastructure skill shortage lists. This means the Government is actively encouraging skilled building surveyors from overseas to work in New Zealand.

According to the Census, 1,002 building surveyors worked in New Zealand in 2018.

Demand for building surveyors and inspectors strongest in Auckland

Building surveyors are in demand all over New Zealand, but the strongest demand is in Auckland.

Types of employers varied

Most building surveyors work for city, regional or district councils, or independent construction or building inspection companies.

About a quarter are self-employed.


  • Auckland Council, 'Where Could I Work?', accessed July 2017, (
  • BRANZ and Pacifecon, 'National Construction Pipeline Report 4', July 2016, (
  • Building Officials Institute of NZ website, accessed November 2015, (
  • Building Performance website, accessed November 2015, (
  • Dunbar, S, general manager, New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors, Careers New Zealand interview, February 2016.
  • Hays, '2017 Hays Salary Guide: Salary and Recruiting Trends', accessed July 2017, (
  • Hill, N, chief executive, and Conder, T, education and technical manager, Building Officials Institute of New Zealand, Careers New Zealand interview, February 2016.
  • Immigration New Zealand, 'Construction and Infrastructure Skill Shortage List', 27 May 2019, (
  • Immigration New Zealand, 'Regional Skill Shortage List', 27 May 2019, (
  • Scott, N, chief executive, New Zealand Institute of Building Inspectors, Careers New Zealand interview, February 2016.
  • Stats NZ, '2018 Census Data', 2019.
  • Stuff, 'Auckland Housing Shortage to Continue Despite Reforms: MBIE', 19 March 2015, (
  • Worksafe New Zealand, 'Key Rule Changes', 18 December 2015, (

(This information is a guide only. Find out more about the sources of our job opportunities information)

Progression and specialisations

Building surveyors may become self-employed or move into management.

If they work for a city or district council as a building control officer, they may specialise in: 

  • building control processing – receiving and processing building consents and reviewing plans
  • building control inspection – carrying out on-site inspections to make sure buildings are built correctly.
A woman in a high viz vest and hard hat holding a clip board talks to a man in painter's overalls, in a room that's under construction

Building surveyors check to make sure buildings are safe and built according to plans

Last updated 13 November 2023