Fees Free

Learner sitting next to a wall and smiling

Find out about Fees Free study or training.

Thinking about starting tertiary education? The first-year Fees Free scheme is targeted at first-time learners. You may be able to get one year's study or two years' training fees-free.

How to check if you're eligible

To find out if you can get fees-free study, visit the Fees Free website and check your eligibility using your National Student Number (NSN).

If you're eligible for the first-year Fees Free scheme, you don't need to apply to receive fees-free training. Your fees will automatically be paid when you enrol to study or train in an eligible course of training programme. 

Fees Free 2025

The Government has announced that Fees Free for the first year of study and training will finish at the end of 2024. It will be replaced with a final-year Fees Free scheme starting from January 2025 with the following parameters:

  • Learners entering their final year of study or training from 1 January 2025 and who have not received first-year Fees Free may be eligible for the new final-year Fees Free scheme.
  • Eligibility will include provider- and work-based study or training at Levels 3 and above on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework.
  • Repayment will be made after the learner completes their qualification, with refunds starting from 2026.

Transition arrangements are being worked through for first-year Fees Free learners as well as detailed policy design and implementation for the final-year scheme. As soon as this is finalised, you’ll be able to find more information on the Fees Free website. 

Video: Fees Free helps Ula change her life

My name is Ula Taufao. I have three children – one girl, two boys.
Since I was made redundant it was a big mess to my life. Thinking of paying bills of children in college is not easy. It's so expensive. To myself as a mother, I have to do my role as a parent.
I really wanted to change my environment in regards to taking a course but I just couldn't, just because I can't afford. Then I said to myself, "I really need to move on."
One day I was just scrolling on Facebook and I just saw a advertisement of the Fees Free. So I said to myself, "Wow, it's an amazing opportunity for me because when it says free, why not? Why waste the time? Just grab it."
It's a pleasure to me to have this beautiful chance because I just couldn't do it if I do have to pay.
My message for everybody – if you are keen to grab this kind of great opportunity, which is Fees Free, go to the website of Fees Free, check on your eligibility.
You might think, "Oh, I'm too old." Please, you are not too old. I'm 43, but I'm still not giving up. Doesn't matter if you got how many children, you can still get the chance to go and study.

Updated 30 May 2024