Work and Income can help you get a job

Two men shaking hands and a woman sitting at a table

Find out about job hunting support from Work and Income.

Work and Income focuses on helping people on a jobseeker support benefit move into the workforce.

If you’re a job hunter, Work and Income may be able to help you:

  • find a job that’s right for you
  • apply for and get that job
  • hold onto your job.

Help to find the right job

Jobs database

To help you find the right job, Work and Income manages the popular online jobs database 'Find a Job'.

“Registered people can check the database and contact us about roles they’re interested in,” says Work and Income’s manager client service delivery support Cassandra Wise.

“We also match our clients with jobs we think they may be interested in.”

Employment zones

Work and Income have set up employment zones in service centres.

“Employment zones are spaces that highlight local jobs, courses and other opportunities that our staff can help job hunters follow up on,” says Cassandra.

“Some service centres also run employment expos, which offer a chance to meet with local businesses who are looking for new staff.”

Training and job opportunities

Work and Income sometimes partners with specific industries to provide training and job opportunities for job hunters.

Depending on your needs, Work and Income staff may be able to offer you:

  • advice about searching for jobs using social media
  • help setting up your own business
  • training, work experience or courses, including specific ones if you are 16-24 years old.

Apply for and get the job

Once you have found a job you think is right for you and want to apply for it, Work and Income can help you:

  • write your CV, if you haven’t got one already
  • write a covering letter, which should be re-written for each application.

If you get an interview for a job, Work and Income can help you prepare for that as well.

Hold onto the job

Work and Income can also help you after you get a job.

When you start work after being on a benefit they may be able to help you with:

  • paying for rent or food
  • fixing your car
  • paying off debt
  • caregiving and childcare costs
  • relocation and moving costs.

Work and Income can refer you to Dress for Success, who help people find economic independence by providing:

  • professional clothing for interviews and work
  • career development tools
  • an ongoing support network.

Find out more


  • Wise, C, manager client service delivery support, Work and Income, interview, November 2019.
  • Work and Income website, accessed November 2019, (

Updated 5 Mar 2025