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Studying? Start preparing for work now

A young woman studying on her laptop

Tips on how to get skills employers want while you're still studying.

Businesses are looking for employees who are “work ready” – those with employability skills such as communication, teamwork, resilience, self-management and problem solving.

Develop your work readiness by taking advantage of what your course provider offers that will give you the employability skills employers want.

By making the effort to develop employability skills while you’re studying you’ll gain an advantage in the competitive job market and spend less time finding a job after you course.

How to boost your employability skills

Your course provider will have tools and opportunities to help you develop your employability skills and demonstrate them to potential employers. Here are a few ideas.

  • Discuss your goals with your career adviser – they may be able to suggest additional activities or opportunities.
  • Join your course provider’s online career portal, and complete the activities.
  • Find work experience and volunteering opportunities – your course provider’s career hub can help, or you can approach organisations directly.
  • Visit course provider expos and networking events within your chosen industry.
  • Take part in industry work experience days, such as STEM days.
  • Enter competitions run by your chosen industry.
  • Join or organise cultural or community groups and events, especially those that are relevant to your chosen industry.

Find out more


Employment New Zealand, ‘Help and resources for young people’, accessed April 2019, (

Updated 3 Oct 2019