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Find the right job after graduating

A new graduate celebrates her achievement

Graduate jobs let you learn about a job before you enter the workforce.

If you’ve almost finished tertiary study or have recently graduated, a temporary graduate job is a good way to gain experience in your area.

Graduate jobs:

  • give you work experience
  • help you learn relevant skills
  • can lead to permanent job offers.

Graduate jobs can fill up quickly, so it’s worth looking and applying for them even before you graduate.

Job search websites help you find graduate opportunities

Use these job search websites to help you hunt for graduate opportunities. 

Type “graduate” into the search field to narrow your search.

Internships teach you about the industry

Internships give you experience in a real workplace and are usually offered to students, often during the summer break.

They’re a great way to make connections with people in the industry you want to get into.

Graduate programmes and cadetships train you on the job

Graduate programmes and cadetships are similar to internships but provide on-the-job training for a specific role.

They’re offered by government organisations and private companies.

Social media lets employers contact you

Employers use LinkedIn to find and contact new graduates.

Open an account and create a profile that says you’re looking for graduate opportunities.

Find out more


  • Europe Language Jobs, ‘Twenty-three Reasons to do an Internship’, 1 October 2018, (
  • New Zealand Immigration, ‘Job Websites & Recruitment Companies’, 5 April 2019, (
  • Seek, ‘About us’, accessed August 2019, (

Updated 29 Aug 2019