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Project Kāmehameha

Project Kāmehameha is a programme of research to inform design and delivery of career resources for Māori.

Please note: on 1 July 2017, the staff and functions of Careers New Zealand transferred to the Tertiary Education Commission.

By 2030, approximately 30% of our students – and therefore our future workforce – will be Māori.

Project Kāmehameha is an innovative research programme commissioned by Careers New Zealand that will be used to drive the development of digital tools and resources to respond to the changing career needs of rangatahi Māori.

Research findings show it's important to provide information to rangatahi about their learning and work choices in a way that excites and engages, raises expectations, and increases Māori participation in high growth industries.

Project Kāmehameha has given us a deeper understanding of the career aspirations, information needs and digital preferences of rangatahi Māori, as well as understanding the perspectives and support requirements of their whānau and teachers.

This information is helping Careers New Zealand change how we support young Māori and use resources to ensure we make a difference for Māori.

Download the report:

Updated 30 Jun 2017