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Job search results

Ship's Officer

Āpiha Kaipuke

Ship's officers navigate and control the safe operation of a ship and supervise and co-ordinate the activities of deck crew.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2 years

Ship's officers usually earn
$60K-$130K per year

Ship's Master

Poutikanga Whakahaere Kaipuke

Ship's masters are in charge of a ship, its crew and any passengers or cargo it is carrying – on the water and in port. On tugs or pilot boats, ship's masters may guide or assist ships in and out of harbours or through difficult waterways.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Ship's masters on small vessels usually earn
$48K-$70K per year

Ship's masters on large, foreign-going vessels usually earn
$125K-$250K per year


Kaikuti Hipi

Shearers cut the wool from sheep with clippers.

Job opportunities

Shearers with one to three years’ experience usually earn
$48K-$65K per year

Shearers with more than three years’ experience usually earn
$65K-$130K per year

Visual Merchandiser

Kaiwhakatū Taonga ā-Matapihi

Visual merchandisers arrange goods and make displays in shops, shop windows and at events to attract the attention of customers.

Job opportunities

Visual merchandisers who work in-store usually earn
$48K-$55K per year

Visual merchandisers who oversee multiple stores usually earn
$55K-$200K per year

Water/​Wastewater Treatment Operator

Kaiwhakamahi Whakapai Wai (Paru)

Water/wastewater treatment operators run water and wastewater treatment plants. They treat water so that it is acceptable to drink. They also control the disposal of sewage and industrial wastewater.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2 years

Water/wastewater treatment operators with up to two years' experience usually earn
$48K-$70K per year

Water/wastewater treatment operators with two or more years' experience usually earn
$50K-$130K per year