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Job search results

Aeroplane Pilot

Kaiwhakahaere Waka Rererangi

Aeroplane pilots fly planes that transport people and goods, or spread fertiliser or bait.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

New aeroplane pilots often work part time.

Aeroplane pilots who fly for airlines or the military usually earn
$48K-$148K per year

Flight Instructor

Kaiwhakaako Waka Rererangi

Flight instructors teach people how to fly aeroplanes, helicopters or other aircraft.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Entry and mid-level flight instructors usually earn
$47K-$70K per year

Experienced and senior flight instructors usually earn
$70K-$100K per year

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Mataaro Whakatika Waka Rererangi

Aircraft maintenance engineers keep aeroplanes safe. They install, inspect, maintain and repair aircraft, aircraft radio, avionic (electronic), navigation, communication and electrical and mechanical systems.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Aircraft maintenance engineers usually earn
$48K-$91K per year

Senior aircraft maintenance engineers and supervisors usually earn
$86K-$165K per year

Army Soldier

Hōia Ope Tauā

Army soldiers defend their country, forming highly skilled teams that work together in combat and security operations, peacekeeping missions, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Army soldier recruits usually earn
$51K per year

Warrant officers can earn
$101K-$120K per year


Kaitiaki Pī

Beekeepers look after beehives in apiaries that produce honey, wax, pollen and other bee products. They may also offer pollination services to horticultural and seed crop producers.


Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-2 years

Beekeepers with up to four years’ experience usually earn
$48K-$70K per year

Beekeepers who manage apiaries usually earn
$65K-$120K per year


Kaimātai Ororongo/​Kaimātau Ororongo

Audiologists and audiometrists study, identify, measure and treat hearing loss and ear disorders. They also provide aids and other listening devices to assist patients with hearing loss.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-5 years

Audiologists usually earn
$50K-$120K per year

Audiometrists usually earn
$48K-$75K per year

Agricultural Technician

Kaihangarau Ahuwhenua

Agricultural technicians perform tests and experiments, and provide technical support to assist agricultural scientists in areas such as research, production, servicing and marketing.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Agricultural technicians with up to five years' experience usually earn
$48K-$65K per year

Senior agricultural technicians with five or more years' experience usually earn
$55K-$85K per year


Kaitiaki Pūranga

Archivists assess, organise, store and provide access to records and documents of long-term historical or research value. They also advise people and organisations about their archives.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Archivists with up to four years' experience usually earn
$48K-$60K per year

Archivists with five or more years' experience usually earn
$60K-$70K per year


Pūkenga Tao Kai

Chefs prepare and cook food in restaurants, hotels, catering businesses, rest homes, cafes and bars.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Chefs usually earn
$23-$25 per hour

Head or executive chefs usually earn
$29-$38 per hour