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Job search results

Electrical Engineering Technician

Kaihangarau Take Pūhiko

Electrical engineering technicians interpret the designs and technical instructions of electrical engineers, then ensure they are accurately carried out. They also develop, install, test and maintain equipment that produces, transmits or uses power.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

New electrical engineering technicians usually earn
$23-$27 per hour

Senior electrical engineering technicians usually earn
$34-$43 per hour

Social Worker

Kaimahi Toko i te Ora

Social workers provide care, advice and support to people with personal or social problems, and help with community and social issues.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4-6 years

Social workers usually earn
$59K-$75K per year

Senior social workers usually earn
$75K-$118K per year

Tour Guide

Kaiārahi Rōpū Haere

Tour guides escort people on sightseeing, educational or other tours, and describe points of interest.

Job opportunities

There are no set pay rates for tour guides. Pay depends on the hours you work and the type of guiding you do.


Kaituhi Pānui

Copywriters design and create print, digital, social media, video, television and radio advertisements.

Job opportunities

Junior copywriters usually earn
$47K-$60K per year

Senior copywriters can earn
$100K-$160K per year

Animator/​Digital Artist

Kaiwhakahauora/​Ringa Toi Mamati

Animators and digital artists use software, models, photography and drawings to create still and moving images for advertisements, film, print, web or television. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Animators/digital artists can earn
$55K-$100K per year

Motion designers can earn
$48k-$120K per year