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Job search results

Job search results

Finance Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Pūtea

Finance managers oversee the major financial operations of an organisation.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

New finance managers usually earn
$87K to $117K per year

Finance managers usually earn
$110K-$170K per year

Health and Safety Adviser

Kaitohutohu Hauora-Haumaru

Health and safety advisers monitor workplace health and safety hazards, train employees on health and safety procedures, and investigate accidents.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Health and safety advisers with less than two years' experience usually earn
$51K-$70K per year

Health and safety advisers with more than seven years' experience can earn
$100K-$125K per year



Dancers entertain people by expressing ideas and emotions, usually to music, using body movements.

Job opportunities

Pay rates for dancers vary depending on ability, how often they work and what type of work they do.



Surveyors plan, direct and conduct survey work to determine the position of boundaries, locations, topographic features and built structures.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Licensed surveyors usually earn
$90K-$110K per year


Kaikaute Pūtea

Accountants provide accounting services to companies, organisations and individuals. They prepare financial statements and forms, and advise clients on financial aspects of business.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-6 years

The average salary for accountants with less than five years' experience is
$70K per year

The average salary for accountants with more than 20 years' experience is
$165K per year



Physiotherapists help people regain movement and function after they have been affected by an injury, disability or health condition. They also give advice on how to prevent injuries.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Physiotherapists usually earn
$58K-$86K per year

Senior physiotherapists usually earn
$87K-$119K per year

Community Karitāne

Karitāne – Hapori Whānui

Community karitāne offer support to families with children under the age of five, and provide information on parenting issues such as breastfeeding, infant nutrition, sleeping and child behaviour.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1 year

Community karitāne usually earn
$68k-$83K per year