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Job search results


Kaimātai Hinengaro

Psychologists diagnose, treat, and work to prevent a range of psychological problems that affect people's behaviour, thoughts and emotions. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
6-7 years

Trainee psychologists usually earn
$55K-$70K per year

Psychologists and senior psychologists can earn
$68K-$150K per year

Clinical Physiologist

Kaimātai Hinengaro Tiaki Tūroro

Clinical physiologists use technical equipment to measure and analyse patients' organs or internal systems, to help doctors diagnose and treat patients.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Qualified clinical physiologists usually earn
$59K-$86K per year

Senior clinical physiologists usually earn
$88K-$119K per year


Taka Rongoā

Pharmacists prepare and dispense prescribed medicine, and discuss conditions and treatments with patients. They may carry out tests and vaccinations.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
5 years

Qualified pharmacists usually earn
$58K-$86K per year

Senior pharmacists who supervise staff usually earn
$87K-$119K per year

Anaesthetic Technician

Kaihangarau Haurehu

Anaesthetic technicians assist anaesthetists during operations, and prepare operating theatres and clinics for anaesthetic procedures.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Anaesthetic technicians trainees usually earn
$52K-$60K per year

Senior anaesthetic technicians with extra responsibilities can earn
$88K-$119K per year


Kaitiaki Rākau

Arborists plant and remove trees, prune branches and treat disease.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Arborists with up to five years' experience usually earn
$23-$25 per hour

Arborists with more than five years' experience usually earn
$25-$35 per hour

Diagnostic Radiologist

Kaimātai Tātari Hihi Irirangi

Diagnostic radiologists diagnose disease and injury using x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT, nuclear medicine and radioactive solutions.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
13 years

Trainee diagnostic radiologists can earn
$64K-$205K per year

Qualified diagnostic radiologists can earn
$170K-$251K per year