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Showing 1-10/40 results for tikanga ā-iwi.

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Kaimātai Aro Whenua

Geologists study Earth processes, such as earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, to predict future events. They also advise on natural hazards and how to develop or use the Earth's land and resources.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-7 years

Geologists can earn
$90K-$180K per year

Social Worker

Kaimahi Toko i te Ora

Social workers provide care, advice and support to people with personal or social problems, and help with community and social issues.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4-6 years

Social workers usually earn
$57K-$92K per year

Senior social workers usually earn
$48K-$109K per year

Probation Officer

Āpiha Matakana

Probation officers supervise people serving a sentence in the community. They also help people who have been in prison return to society.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Probation officers usually earn
$64K-$82K per year

Senior practitioners usually earn
$83K-$92K per year

Youth Worker

Kaimahi Taiohi

Youth workers support young people to improve their health, education, training and employment opportunities.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-2 years

Youth workers usually earn
$49K-$60K per year

Senior youth workers usually earn
$58K-$74K per year

Radio Presenter

Māngai Reo Irirangi

Radio presenters prepare and present news, music, interviews and other radio programmes to entertain and inform audiences.

Job opportunities

Radio presenters with up to five years' experience usually earn
$49K-$70K per year

Senior radio presenters usually earn
$70K-$90K per year

Tour Guide

Kaiārahi Rōpū Haere

Tour guides escort people on sightseeing, educational or other tours, and describe points of interest.

Job opportunities

There are no set pay rates for tour guides. Pay depends on the hours you work and the type of guiding you do.

Community Karitāne

Karitāne – Hapori Whānui

Community karitāne offer support to families with children under the age of five, and provide information on parenting issues such as breastfeeding, infant nutrition, sleeping and child behaviour.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1 year

Community karitāne usually earn
$68k-$83K per year