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Showing 71-80/114 results for marketer.

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Job search results


Pūkenga Whakaita Kai (Ngā Tohunga Mātai Kai)

Dietitians provide advice and counselling about diet, food and nutrition to individuals and communities. They also design nutrition programmes to support health and wellbeing.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
5 years

Qualified dietitians usually earn
$74K-$113K per year

Senior dietitians usually earn
$108K-$147K per year



Artists turn creative ideas into works of art using media such as paint, digital resources, fabric and feathers, clay, stone and wood.

Job opportunities

Pay for artists varies depending on your ability, how productive you are and what type of work you do.

Energy/​Carbon Auditor

Kaitātari Pūngao/​Waro

Energy/carbon auditors assess the amount of energy used and carbon produced by organisations. They also recommend ways to increase energy efficiency.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Energy/carbon auditors with up to five years' experience usually earn
$60K-$80K per year

Energy/carbon auditors with five or more years' experience usually earn
$80K-$200K per year

Insurance Loss Adjuster

Kaiwhakatika Makeretanga Rīanga

Insurance loss adjusters investigate and calculate insurance claims.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
0-3 years

Insurance loss adjusters usually earn
$56K-$88K per year

Senior or specialist loss adjusters usually earn
$80K-$143K per year