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Showing 61-70/110 results for māori language.

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Job search results

Media Producer

Kaihautū Pāpāho

Media producers plan and produce films, television programmes, theatre productions, music, digital content, radio shows, festivals and other artistic activities.

Job opportunities

Pay rates for media producers vary as most are self-employed and work on short-term contracts.



Actors entertain people by using body movement and speech to play a character in media and stage productions.

Job opportunities

Pay rates for actors vary depending on your ability, how often you work and what type of work you do.


Rōia Kōti

Barristers give legal advice and appear on behalf of clients in civil, family and criminal cases in courts and tribunals.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

The median salary for barristers with less than a year's experience is
$63K per year

The median salary for barristers with over five year's experience is
$131K per year

Health Promoter

Kaiwhakatairanga Hauora

Health promoters work with communities and groups to develop ways to improve people’s health. They also work with government agencies to improve environmental conditions.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Qualified health promoters usually earn
$58K-$86K per year

Senior health promoters can earn
$87K-$119K per year


Rata Mate Hinengaro

Psychiatrists diagnose and treat mental illness and emotional and behavioural disorders by providing psychotherapeutic treatment and psychiatric medication.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
12 years

Trainee psychiatrists can earn
$64K-$205K per year

Qualified psychiatrists can earn
$170K-$251K per year


Kaituhi Pānui

Copywriters design and create print, digital, social media, video, television and radio advertisements.

Job opportunities

Junior copywriters usually earn
$47K-$60K per year

Senior copywriters can earn
$100K-$160K per year


Tapuhi ā-Whare

Midwives provide care and support to pregnant people, their partners and family/whānau during pregnancy, labour and birth, and for six weeks following the birth.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Midwives usually earn
$77K-$111K per year

Senior midwives can earn
$102K-$153K per year