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Job search results

Job search results

Health Services Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Ratonga Hauora

Health services managers are responsible for the day-to-day running of a hospital, primary health organisation (PHO), clinic or community health service.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Health services managers with up to five years’ experience usually earn
$65K-$125K per year

Health services managers with five or more years’ experience usually earn
$125K-$245K per year


Kaiwhakatau Wāriu

Valuers assess the value of real estate or personal property such as art and jewellery, for sales, rentals, mortgages, insurance or rates.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-4 years

Valuers with up to three years' experience usually earn
$56K-$87K per year

Valuers with over three years' experience usually earn
$87K-$138K per year


Rōia Kōti

Barristers give legal advice and appear on behalf of clients in civil, family and criminal cases in courts and tribunals.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Barristers usually earn
$82K-$216K per year

Barristers can earn
$59K-$367K per year

Records Adviser

Kaiwhakahaere Kōnae

Records advisers create and monitor electronic and paper filing systems so that records can be filed, found, tracked and disposed of.

Job opportunities

Records advisers usually earn
$49K-$58K per year

Records managers can earn
$100K or more

Workplace Relations Adviser

Kaitohutohu Takawaenga Mahi

Workplace relations advisers provide advice and mediation to different groups in the workplace to prevent and resolve workplace disputes.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Workplace relations advisers usually earn
$92K-$122K per year

Workplace relations managers usually earn
$102K-$163K per year

Legal Executive

Āpiha Mahi Ture

Legal executives help lawyers prepare and file legal documents, research and prepare cases, give legal advice and help with house sales.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2 years

Legal executives usually earn
$49K-$70K per year



Artists turn creative ideas into works of art using media such as paint, digital resources, fabric and feathers, clay, stone and wood.

Job opportunities

Pay for artists varies depending on your ability, how productive you are and what type of work you do.