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Job search results


Kaimātai Tahumaero

Epidemiologists study the causes, transmission and distribution of diseases in population groups to inform public health programmes and prevent the spread of disease. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
5 years

New epidemiologists usually earn
$50K-$86K per year

Epidemiologists with experience usually earn
$75K–$175K per year

Real Estate Agent

Māngai Hoko Whare/​Whenua

Real estate agents arrange property and house sales for clients.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Real estate agents usually earn
$63K-$185K per year

Real estate agents can earn
$48K-$316K per year

Survey Technician

Kaihangarau Rūri Whenua

Survey technicians collect, record, and evaluate geographical information and prepare databases, maps, charts and plans.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2 years

New survey technicians usually earn
$49K-$55K per year

Experienced survey technicians usually earn
$60K-$80K per year

Business Analyst

Kaitātari Pakihi

Business analysts design or recommend solutions, such as computers or computer programs, to help organisations meet their goals.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Business analysts usually earn
$115K–$140K per year

Senior business analysts can earn
$145K–$160K per year

Diagnostic Radiologist

Kaimātai Tātari Hihi Irirangi

Diagnostic radiologists diagnose disease and injury using x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT, nuclear medicine and radioactive solutions.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
13 years

Diagnostic radiologists usually earn
$206K-$247K per year

Diagnostic radiologists can earn
$185K-$268K per year