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Showing 21-30/246 results for digital technologies.

Job search results

Job search results

Mechanical Engineering Technician

Kaihangarau Take Pūkaha

Mechanical engineering technicians help mechanical engineers design, develop, test and manufacture mechanical devices, including tools, engines and machines. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-4 years

Entry-level mechanical engineering technicians usually earn
$49K-$65K per year

Mechanical engineering technicians in managerial roles usually earn
$85K-$140K per year

Security Analyst

Kaitātari Whakamarumaru

Security analysts create and monitor security processes and frameworks to protect an organisations information systems and computer networks from being illegally accessed.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-4 years

Security analysts usually earn
$120K-$200K per year

Security managers and chief security officers can earn
$150K-$500K per year

Scrum Master

Kaitakawaenga Kakari

Scrum masters use the scrum software development approach to keep IT project teams on track. They also help remove obstacles to progress. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Scrum masters usually earn
$120K-$200K per year

Security Consultant

Kaitohutohu Whakamarumaru

Security consultants identify security weakness in information technology (IT), advise on IT security, and design IT security systems.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Security consultants usually earn
$120K-$200K per year

Security managers and chief security officers can earn
$180K-$500K per year

Network Administrator

Kaiwhakahaere Whatunga

Network administrators design, install and maintain computer hardware and software networks, from one-building LANs (local area networks) to worldwide WANs (wide area networks).

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Network administrators usually earn
$80K-$140K per year

Records Adviser

Kaiwhakahaere Kōnae

Records advisers create and monitor electronic and paper filing systems so that records can be filed, found, tracked and disposed of.

Job opportunities

Records advisers usually earn
$49K-$58K per year

Records managers can earn
$100K or more

Energy and Chemical Plant Operator

Kaiwhakahaere Rawa Pūngao, Rawa Matū

Energy and chemical plant operators monitor, control and maintain machinery and equipment at industrial sites such as power stations.

Job opportunities

New energy and chemical plant operators usually earn
$70K-$80K per year

Energy and chemical plant operators with five or more years' experience usually earn
$80K-$180K per year


Kaitango Whakaahua

Photographers take photographs of people, places, products or events.

Job opportunities

Photographers who work for others usually earn
$24-$35 per hour

Self-employed photographers can earn
$50-$250 per hour

Systems Administrator

Kaiwhakahaere Pūnaha

Systems administrators develop, maintain and administer computer operating systems, database management systems, and security policies and procedures.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-4 years

Systems administrators usually earn
$85K-$120K per year

Database administrators usually earn
$85K-$145K per year