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Trainers plan and provide training courses for employees of businesses, government and other organisations. 

Job opportunities

Trainers usually earn
$56K-$82K per year

Training advisers usually earn
$82K-$128K per year

Medical Physicist

Kaiahupūngao Whakaora

Medical physicists help plan radiation treatment for patients, check and monitor radiation equipment, and develop new treatment techniques.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
8 years

Medical physicists usually earn
$65K-$118K per year

Experienced medical physicists usually earn
$122K-$161K per year

Clinical Coder

Kaiwhakararangi Tohu Hauora

Clinical coders convert information in patient discharge notes into health classification codes. This information is used for research and to plan health funding and services.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Clinical coders usually earn
$76K-$88K per year

Senior clinical coders can earn
$93K per year