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Job search results

Bank Worker

Kaimahi Whare Pūtea

Bank workers receive deposits and pay out money, keep records of transactions, issue receipts, and advise customers on banking services and products.

Job opportunities

Bank workers in customer service roles usually earn
$55K-$80K per year

Bank workers in management can earn
$70K-$145K per year



Buyers purchase goods to sell in warehouses, shops or department stores.

Job opportunities

New buyers usually earn
$49K-$60K per year

Experienced buyers usually earn
$60K-140K per year


Kaitiaki Pī

Beekeepers look after beehives in apiaries that produce honey, wax, pollen and other bee products. They may also offer pollination services to horticultural and seed crop producers.


Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-2 years

Beekeepers with up to four years’ experience usually earn
$49K-$70K per year

Beekeepers who manage apiaries usually earn
$65K-$120K per year

Cafe/​Restaurant Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Toa Kawhe/​Wharekai

Cafe/restaurant managers are in charge of running cafes, restaurants and fast food outlets. They may also run catering businesses.

Job opportunities

Cafe managers earn an average of
$28 per hour

Restaurant managers earn an average of
$36 per hour



Musicians write, arrange, conduct, and perform musical compositions.

Job opportunities

Pay rates for musicians depends on their ability, how often they work, and they type of music they play.

Tour Guide

Kaiārahi Rōpū Haere

Tour guides escort people on sightseeing, educational or other tours, and describe points of interest.

Job opportunities

There are no set pay rates for tour guides. Pay depends on the hours you work and the type of guiding you do.


Kaiwhakatau Wāriu

Valuers assess the value of real estate or personal property such as art and jewellery, for sales, rentals, mortgages, insurance or rates.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-4 years

Valuers with up to three years' experience usually earn
$56K-$87K per year

Valuers with over three years' experience usually earn
$87K-$138K per year

Retail Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Hokohoko

Retail managers organise and manage the operations of retail stores or departments, including staff.

Job opportunities

Assistant retail managers usually earn
$49K per year

Retail managers usually earn
$49K-$60K per year

Hotel/​Motel Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Hōtera/​Mōtera

Hotel/motel managers plan, organise and control the operation of a hotel, motel or hostel, including management of staff.

Job opportunities

Motel managers usually earn
$60K-$80K per year

Hotel managers usually earn
$80K-$100K per year