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Showing 51-60/172 results for digital marketing.

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Job search results

Energy and Chemical Plant Operator

Kaiwhakahaere Rawa Pūngao, Rawa Matū

Energy and chemical plant operators monitor, control and maintain machinery and equipment at industrial sites such as power stations.

Job opportunities

New energy and chemical plant operators usually earn
$70K-$80K per year

Energy and chemical plant operators with five or more years' experience usually earn
$80K-$180K per year

Network Administrator

Kaiwhakahaere Whatunga

Network administrators design, install and maintain computer hardware and software networks, from one-building LANs (local area networks) to worldwide WANs (wide area networks).

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Network administrators usually earn
$80K-$140K per year


Kaitiaki Pūranga

Archivists assess, organise, store and provide access to records and documents of long-term historical or research value. They also advise people and organisations about their archives.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Archivists with up to four years' experience usually earn
$49K-$60K per year

Archivists with five or more years' experience usually earn
$60K-$70K per year

Records Adviser

Kaiwhakahaere Kōnae

Records advisers create and monitor electronic and paper filing systems so that records can be filed, found, tracked and disposed of.

Job opportunities

Records advisers usually earn
$49K-$58K per year

Records managers can earn
$100K or more


Kaitiaki Pātaka Pukapuka

Librarians identify information that people need, organise it and make sure people can access it.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Graduate librarians and librarians usually earn
$49K-$75K per year

Senior librarians and managers usually earn
$60K-$125K per year

Recruitment Consultant

Kaitohutohu Whiwhi Kaimahi

Recruitment consultants help match people with jobs. They work with candidates (people looking for work) and clients (employers looking for staff).

Job opportunities

Recruitment consultants with one to five years’ experience usually earn
$49K-$90K per year

Recruitment managers usually earn
$80K-$130K per year