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Showing 11-20/172 results for digital marketing.

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Job search results

Data Analyst

Kaitātari Raraunga

Data analysts identify and describe data trends using statistics and specialised software to help organisations achieve their business aims.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Data analysts usually earn
$90K-$120K per year

Data scientists usually earn
$110K-$170K per year

Survey Interviewer

Kaiuiui Rangahautanga

Survey interviewers collect facts and opinions by interviewing people. They conduct interviews for market research companies, government agencies and other organisations.

Job opportunities

Experienced survey interviewers usually earn
$24-$40 per hour

Film/​Television Camera Operator

Kaitango Whakaahua Whitiāhua/​Pouaka Whakaata

Film and television camera operators use digital and film cameras to record events and scenes for television, movies and videos.

Job opportunities

New film/television camera operators usually earn
$30-$50 per hour

Experienced film/television camera operators usually earn
$64-$120 per hour

Sales Representative

Kanohi Hokohoko

Sales representatives promote, market and sell products or services to business and professional establishments, or wholesale or retail outlets.

Job opportunities

Sales representatives usually earn
$50K-$85K per year

Successful sales representatives can earn
$100K or more per year

Crop Worker

Kaimahi Huangakai

Crop workers assist with the growing and harvesting of fruit, vegetables and other produce on farms, market gardens, orchards and vineyards.

Job opportunities

Crop workers usually earn
$23-$24 per hour

Crop workers who supervise others usually earn
$23-$25 per hour

Management Consultant

Kaitohutohu Whakahaere

Management consultants work with organisations to solve problems and recommend improvements to strengthen business performance.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Management consultants with up to four years' experience usually earn
$61K-$71K per year

Management consultants with over four years' experience can earn
$66K-$102K per year