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Showing 71-80/353 results for design and visual communication.

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Job search results

Mechanical Engineer

Mataaro Pūkaha

Mechanical engineers design and give advice on the building and repair of machines and tools. They also investigate problems and faults with machinery, and study ways to improve manufacturing and energy production.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Mechanical engineers earn an average of
$85K-$105K per year

Mechanical engineers working as patent attorneys can earn
$75K-$180K per year

Marketing Specialist

Ngaio Whakatairanga

Marketing specialists develop and implement plans for promoting an organisation's goods, services and ideas.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Marketing co-ordinators and executives usually earn
$55K-$90K per year

Marketing managers can earn
$100K-$170K per year


Kaituhi Pānui

Copywriters design and create print, digital, social media, video, television and radio advertisements.

Job opportunities

Junior copywriters usually earn
$47K-$60K per year

Senior copywriters can earn
$100K-$160K per year

Film and Video Editor

Ētita Kiriata/​Ētita Ataata

Film and video editors assemble video, graphics, audio and text into a finished product for films, television programs, video productions or commercials.

Job opportunities

Film and video editors earn an average of
$27 per hour