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Showing 271-280/353 results for design and visual communication.

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Job search results

Hotel/​Motel Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Hōtera/​Mōtera

Hotel/motel managers plan, organise and control the operation of a hotel, motel or hostel, including management of staff.

Job opportunities

Motel managers usually earn
$60K-$80K per year

Hotel managers usually earn
$80K-$100K per year

Cafe/​Restaurant Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Toa Kawhe/​Wharekai

Cafe/restaurant managers are in charge of running cafes, restaurants and fast food outlets. They may also run catering businesses.

Job opportunities

Cafe managers earn an average of
$28 per hour

Restaurant managers earn an average of
$36 per hour



Drillers assemble, position, and operate drilling rigs and related equipment to extract ores, liquids, and gases from the earth.

Job opportunities

New drillers usually earn
$60K-$70K per year

Experienced drillers usually earn
$70K-$150K per year

Managing Director/​Chief Executive

Kaihautū Whakahaere/​Tumu Matua

Managing directors/chief executives lead and make overall decisions for an organisation to make sure it operates effectively.


Job opportunities

Managing directors/chief executives in the public sector can earn
$200K-$800K per year

Managing directors/chief executives in the private sector can earn
$300K-$1.2M per year