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Showing 91-100/117 results for chemistry and biology.

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Job search results

Tertiary Lecturer

Pūkenga Whare Wānanga

Tertiary lecturers teach at universities, Te Pūkenga, wānanga and other post-secondary education providers. They also carry out research and do administrative tasks. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-8 years

Assistant lecturers and lecturers usually earn
$50K-$108K per year

Senior lecturers, associate professors and professors usually earn
$77K-$213K per year

Energy/​Carbon Auditor

Kaitātari Pūngao/​Waro

Energy/carbon auditors assess the amount of energy used and carbon produced by organisations. They also recommend ways to increase energy efficiency.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Energy/carbon auditors with up to five years' experience usually earn
$60K-$80K per year

Energy/carbon auditors with five or more years' experience usually earn
$80K-$200K per year

Nursery Grower/​Worker

Kaiwhakatipu/​Kaimahi Otaota

Nursery growers/workers grow young plants, flowers, trees and shrubs for sale or for use in parks and gardens.

Job opportunities

Nursery growers/workers usually earn
$23-$25 per hour

Senior nursery growers/workers usually earn
$25-$31 per hour


Kaimātai Ororongo/​Kaimātau Ororongo

Audiologists and audiometrists study, identify, measure and treat hearing loss and ear disorders. They also provide aids and other listening devices to assist patients with hearing loss.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-5 years

Audiologists usually earn
$50K-$120K per year

Audiometrists usually earn
$48K-$75K per year