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Showing 81-90/155 results for Science.

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Job search results

Radiation Therapist

Kaihaumanu Pūhihi

Radiation therapists are part of a specialised team that uses radiation to treat cancer and other diseases

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Radiation therapists usually earn
$66K-$98K per year

Radiation therapists with extra responsibilities or expertise usually earn
$101K-$124K per year

Clinical Coder

Kaiwhakararangi Tohu Hauora

Clinical coders convert information in patient discharge notes into health classification codes. This information is used for research and to plan health funding and services.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Clinical coders usually earn
$76K-$88K per year

Senior clinical coders can earn
$93K per year

Scrum Master

Kaitakawaenga Kakari

Scrum masters use the scrum software development approach to keep IT project teams on track. They also help remove obstacles to progress. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Scrum masters usually earn
$120K-$200K per year


Kaihaumanu Hinengaro

Psychotherapists provide talk therapy to help people manage and improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Psychotherapists usually earn
$60K-$105K per year

Psychotherapists can earn
$48K-$132K per year

Dental Technician

Kaihangarau Niho

Dental technicians create and repair devices for the treatment, replacement and protection of damaged, badly positioned or missing teeth.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

New dental technicians usually earn
$49K per year

Dental technicians can earn
$60K-$75K per year

Tertiary Lecturer

Pūkenga Whare Wānanga

Tertiary lecturers teach at universities, Te Pūkenga, wānanga and other post-secondary education providers. They also carry out research and do administrative tasks. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-8 years

Assistant lecturers and lecturers usually earn
$50K-$108K per year

Senior lecturers, associate professors and professors usually earn
$77K-$213K per year

Professional Sportsperson

Kaiwhakataetae Ngaio

Professional sportspeople take part in competitive national and international sports such as rugby, football, cricket, netball, golf, tennis and horse racing.

Job opportunities

Pay for professional sportspeople varies depending on the sport, the individual's ability, and their performance.