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Showing 61-70/197 results for Physics, earth and space science.

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Job search results

Speech-Language Therapist

Kaihaumanu Reo ā-Waha

Speech-language therapists assess and treat people who have problems with verbal communication or swallowing. This may include difficulties with speech, language, listening, reading or writing.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4-5 years

Speech-language therapists usually earn
$86K-$104K per year

Speech-language therapists can earn
$77K-$114K per year


Kaitiaki Rākau

Arborists plant and remove trees, prune branches and treat disease.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Arborists with up to five years' experience usually earn
$24-$25 per hour

Arborists with more than five years' experience usually earn
$25-$35 per hour

Engineering Machinist

Kaiwhakamahi Pūrere

Engineering machinists create, assemble and repair metal products by interpreting designs, measuring metals, and operating machines to cut and shape them.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Apprentice engineering machinists usually earn
$49K per year

Experienced engineering machinists usually earn
$49K-$103K per year