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Showing 51-60/197 results for Physics, earth and space science.

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Actors entertain people by using body movement and speech to play a character in media and stage productions.

Job opportunities

Pay rates for actors vary depending on your ability, how often you work and what type of work you do.

Marine Engineer

Mataaro Kaipuke

Marine engineers operate, service and repair engines, and mechanical and electronic equipment on ships and boats.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

New marine engineers usually earn
$65K-$80K per year

Experienced marine engineers usually earn
$80K-$184K per year

Health and Safety Inspector

Kaimātai Hauora-Haumaru

Health and safety inspectors assess workplaces and work activities to determine if employers are keeping workers and other people safe and healthy at work. They also educate people about health and safety, investigate accidents and lead prosecutions.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-2 years

Trainee and newly warranted health and safety inspectors usually earn
$61K-$66K per year

Fully trained health and safety inspectors with at least five years' experience usually earn
$76K-$93K per year