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Job search results

Early Childhood Teacher

Kaiako Kōhungahunga

Early childhood teachers educate and care for young children in kindergartens, kōhanga reo or childcare centres. Kōhanga reo kaiako also help children learn te reo Māori and tikanga Māori (culture and customs).

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Early childhood teachers usually earn
$49K-$78K per year

Early childhood teachers can earn
$48K-$95K per year

Foreign Policy Officer

Āpiha Take Tāwāhi

Foreign policy officers represent New Zealand's interests overseas and provide policy advice to the Government on foreign affairs and trade.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
5 years

New foreign policy officers usually earn
$68K-$75K per year

Senior foreign policy officers with experience can earn
$120K-$140K per year

Immigration Officer

Āpiha Whakahaere Manene

Immigration officers control the entry of people from other countries into New Zealand, assessing visa applications from people who wish to visit, study, work or reside in NZ.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Immigration officer recruits usually start on
$63K per year

Immigration managers can earn
$91K or more per year


Pouherenga Kōrero o-Mua

Historians research, write and present information about events and people of the past and present. They may also teach history.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
>5 years

Historians employed in universities or the public sector usually earn
$49K-$120K per year

Customs Officer

Āpiha Taupare

Customs officers control the entry and departure of goods, ships, planes and people to and from New Zealand.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Customs officers usually earn
$54K-$73K per year

Chief customs officers usually earn
$98K-$125K per year