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Showing 81-85/85 results for Driving.

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Job search results


Ringa Paparahi

Deckhands may take care of passengers and assist in the operation of vessels such as harbour ferries and charter boats, or cast and haul in nets, lines or pots, and process fish on inshore or deep-sea fishing vessels.

Job opportunities

Deckhands on inshore fishing vessels usually earn
$49K-$55K per year

Deckhands on deep-sea fishing vessels usually earn
$49K-$90K per year

Agricultural/​Horticultural Consultant

Kaitohutohu Ahuwhenua

Agricultural/horticultural consultants advise farmers, growers and organisations on business, production and land management solutions.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Agricultural/horticultural consultants with less than five years’ experience usually earn
$50K-$85K per year

Agricultural/horticultural consultants with more than five years’ experience usually earn
$85K-$150K per year