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Showing 71-80/85 results for Driving.

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Job search results

Professional Sportsperson

Kaiwhakataetae Ngaio

Professional sportspeople take part in competitive national and international sports such as rugby, football, cricket, netball, golf, tennis and horse racing.

Job opportunities

Pay for professional sportspeople varies depending on the sport, the individual's ability, and their performance.

Corrections Officer

Āpiha Whare Herehere

Corrections officers are responsible for keeping prisoners safe and secure and motivating them to make changes in their lives.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1 year

Corrections officers usually earn
$67K-$80K per year

Senior and principal corrections officers usually earn
$80K-$100K per year

Orchard Farmer/​Manager

Kaipāmu Uru Hua Rākau/​Kaiwhakahaere Uru Hua Rākau

Orchard farmers/managers plan and manage fruit and nut production in orchards.

Job opportunities

Orchard farmers/managers with up to five years' experience usually earn
$55K-$110K per year

Orchard farmers/managers working for large organisations usually earn
$120K-$180K per year

Helicopter Pilot

Kaiwhakarere Toparere

Helicopter pilots fly helicopters to transport goods, people including photographers, spread fertiliser, spray crops, lift items into difficult sites and provide air rescue and ambulance services. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<2 years

New helicopter pilots often work part time.

Helicopter pilots with over 3 years’ experience usually earn
$55K-$200K per year


Kaiwhakahaere Mīraka Kau

Sharemilkers either milk a dairy farmer's cows for a profit share, or own a herd of cows and milk them on an owner's land for a profit share.

Job opportunities

Sharemilkers usually earn
$64K-$97K per year