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Showing 61-70/85 results for Driving.

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Job search results

Hotel/​Motel Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Hōtera/​Mōtera

Hotel/motel managers plan, organise and control the operation of a hotel, motel or hostel, including management of staff.

Job opportunities

Motel managers usually earn
$60K-$80K per year

Hotel managers usually earn
$80K-$100K per year

Nursery Grower/​Worker

Kaiwhakatipu/​Kaimahi Otaota

Nursery growers/workers grow young plants, flowers, trees and shrubs for sale or for use in parks and gardens.

Job opportunities

Nursery growers/workers usually earn
$24-$25 per hour

Senior nursery growers/workers usually earn
$25-$31 per hour

Market Research Analyst

Kaitātari Rangahau Hokohoko

Market research analysts collect and analyse data and information, write reports, and make recommendations to their clients based on their research.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Market research analysts with up to five years' experience usually earn
$49K-$70K per year

Senior market research analysts with over five years' experience usually earn
$70K-$125K per year

Dairy Farmer

Kaiahuwhenua Miraka Kau

Dairy farmers plan and manage milk production by cows, maintain pasture and monitor environmental impacts on farms.

Job opportunities

Dairy farm assistants and herd managers usually earn an average of
$55K-$67K per year

Dairy farm managers and operations managers usually earn an average of
$83K-$103K per year

Dispensing Optician

Ngaio Mōhiti

Dispensing opticians interpret prescriptions from optometrists and ophthalmologists (eye specialists) for glasses or contact lenses, assemble and fit glasses, and sell customers frames and lenses.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-2 years

Dispensing opticians with up to five years' experience usually earn
$49K-$60K per year

Senior dispensing opticians usually earn
$60K-$85K per year

Agricultural/​Horticultural Field Representative

Māngai Taiao Ahuwhenua

Agricultural/horticultural field representatives sell products such as farm equipment, and advise clients on crop and livestock management. 

Job opportunities

Agricultural/horticultural field representatives with up to three years’ experience usually earn
$55K-$90K per year

Agricultural/horticultural field representatives with more than three years' experience usually earn
$90K-$120K per year