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Showing 31-40/85 results for Driving.

Job search results

Job search results

Crop Worker

Kaimahi Huangakai

Crop workers assist with the growing and harvesting of fruit, vegetables and other produce on farms, market gardens, orchards and vineyards.

Job opportunities

Crop workers usually earn
$24-$25 per hour

Farm Assistant

Kaimahi Pāmu

Farm assistants help farmers with a variety of tasks, including raising and caring for animals, repairs and maintenance, tractor work and other farming activities.

Job opportunities

Farm assistants usually earn
$55K-$60K per year

Automotive Refinisher

Kaipeita Waka

Automotive refinishers prepare vehicle surfaces, match and mix colours, and apply paint to vehicles.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Automotive refinishers with up to five years' experience usually earn
$24-$28 per hour

Automotive refinishers with over five years' experience usually earn
$28-$38 per hour



Buyers purchase goods to sell in warehouses, shops or department stores.

Job opportunities

New buyers usually earn
$49K-$60K per year

Experienced buyers usually earn
$60K-140K per year

Crop Farmer/​Manager

Kaiahuwhenua Huangakai/​Kaiwhakahaere Huangakai

Crop farmers/managers plan and manage plant production on farms and in vineyards and hothouses.

Job opportunities

Crop farmers/managers with up to five years' experience usually earn
$55K-$110K per year

Crop farmers/managers working for large organisations usually earn
$120K-$180K per year