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Showing 21-30/85 results for Driving.

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Job search results

Dairy Herd Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Māpu Kau

Dairy herd managers run daily dairy farming operations such as feeding and milking cows, monitoring animal health and environmental management.

Job opportunities

Assistant dairy herd managers usually earn
$48K-$88K per year

Experienced dairy herd managers usually earn
$51K-$90K per year

Forestry Scientist

Kaipūtaiao Ngahere

Forestry scientists research forest growth, wood processing, conservation and different types of trees, and how these can be used.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Forestry scientists usually earn
$55K-$98K per year

Senior forestry scientists usually earn
$110K-$150K per year


Kaiparuauru Kerepe

Viticulturists grow and harvest grapes from grapevines, and manage vineyards.

Job opportunities

Vineyard workers and supervisors usually earn
$49K-$53K per year

Vineyard managers and viticulturists usually earn
$63K-$128K per year

Aquaculture Farmer


Aquaculture farmers manage the breeding, raising and harvesting of fish and shellfish for commercial purposes in marine or freshwater farms.

Job opportunities

Aquaculture farmers with one to three years’ experience usually earn
$49K-$65K per year

Aquaculture farmers with more than three years’ experience usually earn
$59K-$88K per year