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Job search results

Tour Guide

Kaiārahi Rōpū Haere

Tour guides escort people on sightseeing, educational or other tours, and describe points of interest.

Job opportunities

There are no set pay rates for tour guides. Pay depends on the hours you work and the type of guiding you do.


Kaikimi/​Kaihopu Kararehe

Hunters and trappers shoot or trap animals to remove pests and control disease, and for food, fur, or research.

Job opportunities

Pay for hunters and trappers depends on the type of work they do and their experience.


Kaimahi Taunga Waka

Stevedores operate a variety of heavy machinery to load, unload, tally and stow the cargo of a ship.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1 year

New stevedores usually earn
$49K-$80K per year

Stevedores in a supervisory role usually earn
$80K-$130K per year