New Zealand Certificate in Bicycle Mechanics (Level 4) Study field Engineering and Related Technologies not elsewhere classified Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 3) with optional strand in Plant Operation Study field Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified Qualification type Certificate Level 3 Location Providers in multiple locations
School Physics Equipment Care (Micro-credential) Study field Natural and Physical Sciences not elsewhere classified Qualification type Level 4 Location Provider has multiple locations
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Level 7) Study field Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Technology Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location Provider has multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Pest Management (Level 4) with strands in Pest Animal, and Pest Plant Study field Pest and Weed Control Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Provider has multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Glazing (Level 4) Study field Glazing Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Glass Processing (Level 4) with optional strands in Manufacturing Screen Printed Glass, Manufacturing Laminated Glass, and Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) Machinery Operation Study field Glazing Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Provider has multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Reglazing (Level 4) Study field Glazing Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations
Introduction to Plastering (Micro-Credential) Study field Plastering Qualification type Level 3 Location Provider has multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Marine Engineering Class 6 (Level 4) Study field Marine Craft Operation Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations