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Job search results

Health Services Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Ratonga Hauora

Health services managers are responsible for the day-to-day running of a hospital, primary health organisation (PHO), clinic or community health service.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Health services managers with up to five years’ experience usually earn
$65K-$125K per year

Health services managers with five or more years’ experience usually earn
$125K-$245K per year

Health Promoter

Kaiwhakatairanga Hauora

Health promoters work with communities and groups to develop ways to improve people’s health. They also work with government agencies to improve environmental conditions.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Qualified health promoters usually earn
$58K-$86K per year

Senior health promoters can earn
$87K-$119K per year

Oral Health Therapist

Kaiakuaku Waha

Oral health therapists provide dental care, treat gum disease and teach people how to care for teeth and gums. They may refer clients to dentists.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Oral health therapists usually earn
$59K-$83K per year

Senior oral health therapists can earn
$87K-$119K per year

Sterilising Technician

Kaihangarau Whakahoromata

Sterilising technicians clean, sterilise and package surgical instruments and other hospital equipment, soft goods and linen in a sterilisation unit.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2 years

Qualified sterilising technicians usually earn
$52K - $62K per year

Senior sterilising technicians with responsibilities can earn
$66K-$75K per year


Kaimātai Ororongo/​Kaimātau Ororongo

Audiologists and audiometrists study, identify, measure and treat hearing loss and ear disorders. They also provide aids and other listening devices to assist patients with hearing loss.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-5 years

Audiologists usually earn
$50K-$120K per year

Audiometrists usually earn
$48K-$75K per year



Chiropractors treat disorders related to the spine and nervous system to relieve pain and improve the function of nerves, muscles and joints. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
5 years

Chiropractors with up to five years' experience usually earn
$48K-$60K per year

Chiropractors with more than five years experience usually earn
$60K-$150K per year