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Showing 1-9/9 results for hauora.

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Job search results

Clinical Coder

Kaiwhakararangi Tohu Hauora

Clinical coders convert information in patient discharge notes into health classification codes. This information is used for research and to plan health funding and services.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Clinical coders usually earn
$76K-$88K per year

Senior clinical coders can earn
$93K per year

Environmental/​Public Health Officer

Āpiha Hauora Taiao/​Pāpori

Environmental/public health officers investigate, monitor, assess and advise on food and alcohol safety, disease prevention, disease outbreaks, and environmental hazards such as pollution.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Graduate environmental/public health officers usually earn
$48K-$70K per year

Experienced environmental/public health officers usually earn
$55K-$85K per year


Kaiwero Ngira Hauora

Acupuncturists give general health advice and treat patients using therapies such as electronic and needle acupuncture, cupping, skin scraping (gua sha), the heating of acupuncture points (moxibustion) and tuina (massage).

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Acupuncturists usually earn
$48K-$100K per year

Health Services Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Ratonga Hauora

Health services managers are responsible for the day-to-day running of a hospital, primary health organisation (PHO), clinic or community health service.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Health services managers with up to five years’ experience usually earn
$65K-$125K per year

Health services managers with five or more years’ experience usually earn
$125K-$245K per year

Health Promoter

Kaiwhakatairanga Hauora

Health promoters work with communities and groups to develop ways to improve people’s health. They also work with government agencies to improve environmental conditions.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Qualified health promoters usually earn
$58K-$86K per year

Senior health promoters can earn
$87K-$119K per year