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Job search results

Sales Representative

Kanohi Hokohoko

Sales representatives promote, market and sell products or services to business and professional establishments, or wholesale or retail outlets.

Job opportunities

Sales representatives usually earn
$50K-$85K per year

Successful sales representatives can earn
$100K or more per year

Visual Merchandiser

Kaiwhakatū Taonga ā-Matapihi

Visual merchandisers arrange goods and make displays in shops, shop windows and at events to attract the attention of customers.

Job opportunities

Visual merchandisers who work in-store usually earn
$49K-$55K per year

Visual merchandisers who oversee multiple stores usually earn
$55K-$200K per year

Survey Interviewer

Kaiuiui Rangahautanga

Survey interviewers collect facts and opinions by interviewing people. They conduct interviews for market research companies, government agencies and other organisations.

Job opportunities

Experienced survey interviewers usually earn
$24-$40 per hour

Marketing Specialist

Ngaio Whakatairanga

Marketing specialists develop and implement plans for promoting an organisation's goods, services and ideas.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3 years

Marketing specialists usually earn
$62K-$122K per year

Marketing specialists can earn
$49K-$171K per year


Kaituhi Pānui

Copywriters design and create print, digital, social media, video, television and radio advertisements.

Job opportunities

Junior copywriters usually earn
$47K-$60K per year

Senior copywriters can earn
$100K-$160K per year