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Job search results

Electrical Engineer

Mataaro Pūhiko

Electrical engineers design, construct and manufacture electrical systems. They also maintain, operate and manage these systems.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Electrical engineers usually earn
$77K-$160K per year

Senior and principal electrical engineers can earn
$150K-$210K per year

Train Driver

Kaitaraiwa Rerewhenua

Train drivers drive passenger or freight trains. They may shift (shunt) carriages and wagons using trains or remote controls.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1 year

Trainee train drivers usually earn
$27-$43 per hour

Qualified train drivers and team leaders can earn
$47-$58 per hour

Cafe/​Restaurant Manager

Kaiwhakahaere Toa Kawhe/​Wharekai

Cafe/restaurant managers are in charge of running cafes, restaurants and fast food outlets. They may also run catering businesses.

Job opportunities

Cafe managers earn an average of
$28 per hour

Restaurant managers earn an average of
$36 per hour

Helicopter Pilot

Kaiwhakarere Toparere

Helicopter pilots fly helicopters to transport goods, people including photographers, spread fertiliser, spray crops, lift items into difficult sites and provide air rescue and ambulance services. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<2 years

New helicopter pilots often work part time.

Helicopter pilots with over 3 years’ experience usually earn
$55K-$200K per year