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Showing 501-510/2074 results for Website Developer.
Cabinet makers make and repair fittings and furniture for homes, businesses and boats.
How to get NCEA and other qualifications once you've left school.
Automotive electricians install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, parts and electrical and electronic systems in vehicles.
Window cleaners clean windows and other glass in shops, schools, offices, hospitals and homes.
Cooks prepare, cook and serve food. They work in cafes, bars, hospitals, schools, daycare centres, fast food outlets, or for caterers.
Telecommunications engineers design, test and build telecommunications networks and systems.
Zookeepers care for animals in zoos, wildlife parks and aquariums.
Pulp and paper mill operators operate, maintain and repair machines that make pulp and paper.
Saw doctors set and adjust sawmill saws and repair, grind and sharpen hand, band and circular saws.