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Showing 21-30/1982 results for Robotics Designer Video and Film: Software Engineer.
Civil engineering technicians/draughtspeople plan and draw the technical details for building and repairing roads, bridges, buildings and other structures.
Civil engineers plan, organise and oversee the building and maintenance of structures such as dams, bridges, sewerage systems and roads.
Environmental engineers assess and reduce the impact of engineering projects on water, soil and air. They also plan and design systems to treat and remove waste.
Kia Tū, Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui! Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Determined! Careers New Zealand headed out to film five successful Māori businesses in the agriculture, construction, health and fitness and...
User experience (UX) designers design how products such as websites and apps look and work, based on users' needs.
Engineering may be for you if you are interested in:
Telecommunications engineers design, test and build telecommunications networks and systems.
Engineering machinists create, assemble and repair metal products by interpreting designs, measuring metals, and operating machines to cut and shape them.
Fire engineers plan and design safety features that detect, control or reduce fire and smoke in buildings and structures. They also analyse how fire behaves and how safety features perform in fire.
Naval architects plan, design and supervise the construction and repair of ships, yachts and boats.