New Zealand Diploma in Homeopathy (Level 6) with strands in Human Health, and Animal Health Study field Naturopathy and Homeopathy Qualification type Diploma Level 6 Location
New Zealand Diploma in Arboriculture (Level 6) Study field Horticulture Qualification type Diploma Level 6 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Accounting Support Services) (Level 4) Study field Accountancy Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Small Business) (Level 4) Study field Business Management Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Dairy Processing Engineering (Level 4) Study field Food (excluding Seafood) Processing Technology Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location
New Zealand Certificate in Aircraft Servicing (Level 3) Study field Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Qualification type Certificate Level 3 Location
Taumata Ora: Mātauranga Marae (Micro-credential) Study field Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu (Māori Education) Qualification type Level 5 Location Provider has multiple locations
New Zealand Diploma in Drama (Level 6) Study field Drama and Theatre Studies Qualification type Diploma Level 6 Location Providers in multiple locations
Whiti Ki Te Whiti, Whiti Mai Te Ra (Micro-credential) Study field Tikanga - Māori Customs Qualification type Level 8 Location Provider has multiple locations
New Zealand Diploma in Content Creation (Level 5) Study field Journalism, Communication and Media Studies Qualification type Diploma Level 5 Location Providers in multiple locations